During the 10th EORNA Congress we will have a new type of scientific session based on clinical case studies.
We would like you to submit a case study, that you will be able to present and discuss during the coming EORNA Congress. During the session, you will be able to discuss your clinical case study with the audience and the chairs. Each clinical case study will present a problematic which you encountered in your professional life (either personally or experienced by a colleague). Once the problematic is exposed to the attendees, a discussion will be opened to explore the different possible way to solve this issue. At the end of your presentation, you will explain to the audience how this problematic was actually resolved.
If you are interested, please submit a PDF file (no more than 2 pages) of your clinical case study to eorna-scientific@kit-group.org by 31 January 2022, Midnight CET, at the latest.
The proposed themes for the EORNA Clinical Case Studies are:
- COVID-19
- Adverse events (Complications) – Coping
- Emergency Situations
- Ethics Issues
Your PDF document must contain:
1- Title: You are asked to enter a title (please be sure the title of the case describes the case precisely) – 220 characters maximum
2- Authors names: Please indicate for each authors/submitters’ Last name, First name, Institutions, City, Email.
3- Main Topic: Please chose a topic between: COVID, Adverse Events (Complications) – Coping, Emergency Situations, Ethic Issues.
4- Clinical Case Description: Description of your case (3,500 characters maximum). Please also indicate questions related to your case to ask the audience during your presentation.
5- Conclusion: Add the learning points of your case in 2 or 3 bullet points
Have a look at our clinical case study submission’s guidelines for more information.
The accepted cases will be featured in the EORNA 2022 Scientific Programme during the 10th EORNA Congress. The case study presenters will be able to register to the same reduced fee as the Poster presenters, please go to our registration page for more information.
We look forward to receiving your submissions!